VeganMofo is Isa's (from the PPK) vegan version of the NaNoWriMo. The goal is to write a "novel" in a month. Since us food bloggers aren't really into writing novels, we are blogging instead. The goal, an entire month of vegan food posts in the month of November. My format will be to blog about everything I put into my mouth this month. I will include pictures when possible, and recipes if I can.
Katie of "Don't Eat off the Sidewalk" designed the logo. Thanks Katie. Everyone should thank her by going to her site and buying the 2nd issue of her 'zine! It's holiday themed and everyone should have one.
Now for my eats for today. I had coffee with Kahlua for breakfast. (I know, weird, but for some reason some of the suits at work thought it would be a good idea to bring a bunch of liquor to the office. They brought vodka and bloody mary mix, champagne and OJ and Kahlua and Baileys. They were trying to get us sloshed at work!) and a plain bagel. For lunch I had leftover pizza from halloween night and I put some tofutti sour supreme on it, 'cause it was dry. (I had ordered cheeseless pizza covered in jalapenos and onions form Zito's. They have vegetarian sausage, but I wasn't in the mood.) And for dinner I made a new burger for the "Just the Burgers" test kitchen. It's pictured below. It's a Zucchini and mushroom burger made with zucchini's from my mom's garden. I only cooked one, and plan on having another tomorrow night with a side of fried zucchini. I'll post that recipe tomorrow. The burgers are yum. Simple and juicy and full of flavor. I ate it on a whole wheat bun, covered with marinara and vegenaise. For dessert I had the last two of those pumpkin treats I posted about on halloween. I washed it all down with two glasses of vanilla Soymilk.

1 comment:
ooohh! Please post the recipe- I'm up to my ears in zucchini!
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